Policy-making Inside Europe
22-25 May 2023 | Brussels
Is this for you?
Are you interested in European Policy Making? How do different publics engage and influence policy making?
This Policy Seminar offers a truly multi-disciplinary approach, to hear from experts and contribute your own thoughts. Applicants must be studying towards a master’s or doctorate and must be attending a university that is a member of the Europaeum network.
Content and approach
The EUROPAEUM is pleased to invite applications for our longstanding Policy Making Seminar in Brussels. The 2023 Policy Seminar, organized in collaboration with the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) is a joint effort to link academic and policy institutions, contributing to a better understanding of the process of preparation and implementation of EU policies. Alongside talks and discussions with top decision makers and analysts, this year’s programme will focus on the idea of ‘participation’ in policy making and ask how different publics engage with and influence policy making, how they challenge or change the policies that affect their lives, and what the relevance of this could be for the future of the European politics. It will consider the legacy of the Future of Europe conference, and examine experimental new initiatives, like the Brussels Citizens’ Assembly. These questions and more will be addressed through working groups organized with the accent on pluralism of opinions, recommendations and understanding of key policy challenges. To this end, participants will join lively working groups during the event.
Successful applicants will be provided with free accommodation and reimbursed reasonable travel expenses.
Deadline for submission of applications and abstracts: NEW DEADLINE: 23:59, 16 April.
*NB Please note that because of the attendees and the nature of this event, security clearance will be necessary to obtain well in advance of its occurrence. Please be warned that because of the extension of our deadline, if you are accepted, you will be asked to respond to our requests for copies of personal documents as quickly as possible to ensure that we can obtain your security clearance in time.
All submissions should be sent to applications@europaeum.org
Who can apply
We welcome applications from master’s and doctoral students from within the Europaeum network who wish to either present a 10 to 15-minute paper or contribute to the discussions. Participants will be given pre-event reading materials and join lively working groups during the event. Those not presenting papers will be asked to take an active role in discussing the papers.
How to apply
Please read the full details in the Guidance for Applicants page before applying. You will need to submit the following documents – all in English – to applications@europaeum.org by the deadline.
- a completed application form
- a CV
- a statement of purpose (max 500 words) giving details of your academic interests and what you would expect to gain from attending this event.
- a reference from your supervisor or academic advisor: we understand that the deadline for applying is tight and therefore, we will be accepting your academic references until 12pm (BST) 23rd of April.
Statement of Motivation (500 words max)
Your statement should be specific to you reflecting your interests and style. Nevertheless, strong statements usually answer the following questions in some combination or other:
- What is your academic background; what are your intellectual interests?
- Why are interested in this particular topic; how have you previously engaged with it?
- What do you think you would gain intellectually from attending the event?
- What do you think you could offer or contribute to the event?
The Guidance for Applicants page should answer most queries. If not, Michael or Milan at applications@europaeum.org will be happy to help.