December 2020
New Trustees
We are enormously proud to welcome three new Trustees to our already illustrious Board:
Andrienne d’Arenberg started her career in Vienna with Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch in private banking. She then moved to Geneva as a partner in a consultancy firm for 10 years, developing trusted relationships with a variety of high-level stakeholders from business, politics, international organizations, NGOs as well as academia and advising them on strategy, communication and stakeholders’ engagement. She pursued her career at the World Economic Forum as Head of its Family Business Community, where she worked with leading multigenerational families globally on issues related to the success during times of disruption and engaged some of the world’s largest family enterprises in initiatives aimed at creating positive social and environmental change. Andrienne holds a BSc. in international relations from London School of Economic and Political Sciences and completed different Executive Certificates from the IMD Business School, MIT, Harvard, the Graduate Institute, the Oxford Saïd Business School and London School of Economic and Political Sciences. She has recently joined the Oxford Saïd Business School as an Executive in Residence and sits on their Advisory Council of The Ownership Project. She also sits on the boards of several other institutions.
Laura Nordström is a PhD researcher at the University of Helsinki (Political Science). Her research is on the power of expertise and experts in the Eurozone crisis. Other research focuses are global political economy, lobbying and EU. She has completed degrees both in World Politics and in History. Before academia, she worked for 10 years as a political advisor and expert in the Finnish parliament, the Foreign Ministry, the European Parliament and as the International Officer for the Finnish Greens. She has worked on EU, international, human rights and development politics. She has been a member of the Europaeum’s European Scholars Programme first cohort and part of the team that won the best FT awarded prize for the project You&EU. She has been as well a member of the project Between Law and Politics analysing intellectual foundations of the European economic constitution. She has held various elected positions of trust, such as the current presidency of the executive board of the Helsinki Summer University.
Dr Andrew Graham has been the driving force in conceiving, implementing and raising the funding for the new Europaeum Scholarship Programme. He is the former Master of Balliol College, Oxford. He is currently a Trustee of Reprieve, a Senior Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, and a consultant to Mammoth Screen Productions. Earlier in his career he was, twice, Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister, Economic Adviser to the Leader of the Opposition, a Fellow and Tutor in Economics at Balliol, and for the academic year, 2012/13, Warden of Rhodes House. He was a Board Member of Channel 4 Television and a Scott Trustee (which owns the Guardian and the Observer). In 2001, he founded the Oxford Internet Institute and in 2010, the Balliol Interdisciplinary Institute.