March 2021
2021 Photo Competition – Winners announced!
We were absolutely blown over by receiving over 150 stunning images from places within the network. We got together a panel of 5 judges, two from within the team, two Vice-Rectors from the network and one independent non-University person. It was really really hard to figure out what the best images are, as all of them ranged from amazing to lovely! Thank you so much to everyone who took part and particularly those who we could not award a prize to but who agreed to let us use their images for our new website which we will be launching this summer.
It was an enormous pleasure to see the university towns and cities from a different view point, and feel proud of how compelling everyone made them look, and we are now proudly announcing the winners and runner-ups:
Cecily Day, Oxford: FIRST PRIZE
Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford: SECOND PRIZE
Paul Thompson, St Andrews: THIRD PRIZE
The following were our runner-ups (more than 1 vote):
Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford
Nadja Siegl, Berlin
Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford
Anna Gajova, Prague
Andrew Hyslop, Oxford
..and these were shortlisted in the first round:
Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford
Maria Nizzero, Barcelona
Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford
Paul Thompson, St Andrews

Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford

Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford
Paul Thompson, St Andrews
Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford
Meike Heinrich, Berlin
Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford
Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford
Sayan Goswami, Barcelona
Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford
Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford
Jan Vesely, Prague
Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford
Martina Cermakova, Prague
Hosein Hasanbeig, Oxford