February 2021
2021 Brussels Policy Seminar – report
(28-29 January, online)
Our special 2021 online Policy Seminar, was organized in collaboration with the European Parliamentary Research Service (DG EPRS). It was a truly successful event linking academic and policy institutions, contributing to a better understanding of the process of preparation and implementation of EU policies.
More than 45 students from 16 universities participated in talks and discussions with those at the sharp end of policy and decision-making in Brussels, including Dr Roberta Metsola, MEP, First Vice-President of the European Parliament, Daniel Freund, MEP, Member of the EP Committees on Constitutional Affairs and on Budgetary Control, Mikołaj Dowgielewicz, Director General, European Investment Bank, Esteban González Pons, MEP Vice-Chair, Group of the European People’s Party (EPP), Kati Piri, MEP Vice-Chair, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), and Heidi Anneli Hautala Vice-President of the European Parliament responsible for the Sakharov Network and for Human Rights and Democracy, among many other powerful speakers.
The 2021 online edition focussed on themes such as: the future of the Europe Conference; post-COVID economic recovery; EU and Transatlantic relations; protecting fundamental rights, rule of law and supporting democracy. In addition to fascinating panels we had stimulating group discussions which produced numerous policy recommendations. All of them will be reflected in our seminar report.
Enormous thanks to Dr Joanna Apap and our colleagues from the EPRS who made this event possible and very informative.