Another Scholars’ Programme group has taken their project to the next level. Eighteen months of hard work has led to their recognition by the OECD, before they have even had the chance to formally present their projects for assessment. Focusing on the EU’s public engagement platform, Have Your Say!, these ambitious Scholars have created a fully-detailed report that outlines their research, analysis, and recommendations for the European Commission. In it, they outline how the Commission can improve its attempts to bolster the democratic process through digital public consultations with the wider public, and already launched their report on 1 September. A live webinar will be held on 7 September 2023 where they will discuss 21st century citizen engagement with leading experts and policy makers in the field, so you can learn more about the context of their work.
The link and details for that webinar are:
Where: Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86712615081?pwd=c0tQWGFkRzEwN0NIWFpBanNOOTRCdz09.
Passcode: 276516
Meeting ID: 867 1261 5081
When: 07.09 17:30 CET
Below you can read what they have to say about their report in light of the project launch:
“We live in the digital age and we need citizen engagement to meet 21st century challenges.
This is why, together with my colleagues from the Scholars Programme, we worked hard to improve digital public consultations in the European Union.
Extremely proud to announce that after 18 months our project is up and running – Portal2EU. We have come up with a set of recommendations for the EU’s ‘Have Your Say!’ platform to make it even better.
From Oxford to Bologna, Paris and Kraków we have set up a multidisciplinary group, including computer scientists, communication experts, lawyers, and many more on board. Our work has been already acknowledged by OECD and on 1st of September we are going with an official report launch!
In the meantime you can visit our website to learn more about our initiative.
Stay tuned!”