December 2020
During summer 2020, 3 students from the Blavatnik School of Government and 2 former Europaeum Scholars conducted a big survey, held interviews and did a lot of research within the Europaeum member network to find out more about the universities’ response to the coronavirus crisis and the impact and students. Read the report here
Image: KU Leuven – Rob Stevens
Call for Papers/Applications:
Classics Colloquium ‘Slavery: Antiquity and Modernity in Dialogue’ | 11-12 February 2021 (online).
Apply by 11 December 2020
CFPs coming soon:
Brussels Policy-Making Seminar | 28-29 January 2021 (virtual event)
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, planned in collaboration with United Europe | Spring 2021, or later
Spring School | 22-24 April 2021, Oxford
Workshop on European Culture, Identity and Nationhood | June 2021, possibly in Prague
Summer School 2021 | St Andrews (postponed from 2020)
‘Europe through Film and Visual Arts’
Classics Colloquium | Autumn 2021, Madrid (postponed from 2020)
‘Metabolé: Crisis and Transformation in Antiquity’
Winter School on Planetary Wellbeing | January 2022, Barcelona
We now have over 600 Europaeum Alumni in our closed Linkedin group and have opened registration on our own website for the Europaeum Alumni Network, hoping that eventually, we can reconnect with almost all of the 1600 alumni we found in our records.
Alumni can keep in touch and be informed about Alumni-related evets and matters in three ways:
• Complete the form on our website to give us permission to have your details securely on file, and we will email you about anything that is relevant to Alumni. Don’t worry, it won’t be too often!
• Join our Linkedin Alumni group if you have a profile. https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13752156/
• Register for our Alumni database https://www.europaeum.org/alumni and search for others by expertise, location, University or Europaeum involvement type/period
Europaeum Alumni are Europaeum Scholars, previous participants at Europaeum events that they attended via an assessed application process, as well as those who received a Europaeum bursary or completed a Europaeum joint degree.
Please send us any relevant items we may be able to include in the next issue.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website or because you are an important Europaeum contact at a member university. To opt out please email euroinfo@europaeum.ox.ac.uk or unsubscribe on our website
c/o St Antony’s College | 62 Woodstock Road | Oxford OX2 6JF
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