February 2021
Call for Papers/Applications:
Europe in the World – the World in Europe
22-24 April 2021 (virtual event) | Apply by 4 March 2021 more information and how to apply
For the last five centuries it has been perceived that Europe was the main influence on major world developments through its formal and informal colonial and neo-colonial power. In the last decades, however, it could be argued that the greatest influence on the state of Europe itself has come from the world outside. Influences from the outside have not only affected the political agenda in most of Europe’s countries, they also have had profound social and cultural impact. Europe is also greatly affected by the economic consequences of globalisation.
This Spring School will bring together post-graduate researchers, mainly but by no means exclusively, in Humanities and Social Sciences discussing the wider impact of the world on Europe and of Europe in the world in a historical and contemporary context. Issues that will be explored by leading experts include topics such as the COVID crisis, our global state of democracy, ending the Cold War, and the implications of AI. The participants will provide alternative readings of how interdependence in the world has developed over the last century and how that affects the current state of Europe. Speakers will include Lord Chris Patten (Chancellor of the University of Oxford), Janez Lenarčič (European Commissioner for Crisis Management), Professor Archie Brown (Oxford), Dr Kevin Casas-Zamora (Secretary General, International IDEA), Professor Robert Gildea (Oxford), Artur Kluz (Centre for Technology and Global Affairs, Oxford), and Dr Marcin Walecki (Oxford).
We welcome applications from master’s and doctoral students from within the Europaeum network who wish to either just join the discussions, or present a paper.
CFPs in the pipeline:
Summer School 2021 | St Andrews (postponed from 2020)
‘Europe through Film and Visual Arts’
Europaeum Conference | 1-2 October, Madrid (tbc)
to mark the completion of the Europaeum Scholars Programme 2020/21
Classics Colloquium | Autumn 2021, Madrid (postponed from 2020)
‘Metabolé: Crisis and Transformation in Antiquity’
Application deadline for Europaeum Scholars Programme 2022/23 | late 2021
Winter School on Planetary Welfare | January 2022, Barcelona
Reports on previous events:
2021 Brussels Policy Seminar (28-29 January, online)
Our special 2021 online Policy Seminar, was organized in collaboration with the European Parliamentary Research Service (DG EPRS). It was a truly successful event linking academic and policy institutions, contributing to a better understanding of the process of preparation and implementation of EU policies.
More than 45 students from 16 universities participated in talks and discussions with those at the sharp end of policy and decision-making in Brussels, including Dr Roberta Metsola, MEP, First Vice-President of the European Parliament, Daniel Freund, MEP, Member of the EP Committees on Constitutional Affairs and on Budgetary Control, Mikołaj Dowgielewicz, Director General, European Investment Bank, Esteban González Pons, MEP Vice-Chair, Group of the European People’s Party (EPP), Kati Piri, MEP Vice-Chair, Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), and Heidi Anneli Hautala Vice-President of the European Parliament responsible for the Sakharov Network and for Human Rights and Democracy, among many other powerful speakers.
The 2021 online edition focussed on themes such as: the future of the Europe Conference; post-COVID economic recovery; EU and Transatlantic relations; protecting fundamental rights, rule of law and supporting democracy. In addition to fascinating panels we had stimulating group discussions which produced numerous policy recommendations. All of them will be reflected in our seminar report.
Enormous thanks to Dr Joanna Apap and our colleagues from the EPRS who made this event possible and very informative.
(The following two Online events at the European Studies Centre in Oxford we organised in collaboration with the Europaeum, with scholars from within the Europaeum network as participants):
European climate action: political economy challenges (21 January, online)
This online conference looked at the political economy challenges (as opposed to the scientific advances) that must be overcome to meet global climate goals, with a focus on Europe’s agenda.
Dr Hartmut Mayer Director, ESC, St. Antony’s College and the Executive Chair of the Europaeum opened the conference and Alex Clark, from Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford and graduate of Europaeum Scholars Programme contributed to the panel on the Power of Public Activism.
Is there still ‘rule of law’ in Poland and Hungary? (9 February, online)
Europaeum Director Dr Marcin Walecki was a convenor while Professor Timothy Garton Ash (St Antony’s College, Oxford) chaired a discussion with Professor Adam Bodnar the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights, Professor Zsolt Enyedi (Central European University, and Politics and International Relations, Oxford) and Dr Marta Bucholc (Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw). Issues around the rule of law in Central Europe, and particularly the condition of the “rule of law” in Poland and Hungary, were discussed in great detail with over 300 participants, making it one of the most popular webinars at ESC.
We are enormously proud to have welcomed three new Trustees to our already illustrious Board:
Andrienne d’Arenberg, Laura Nordström, Dr Andrew Graham
Andrienne d’Arenberg started her career in Vienna with Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch in private banking. She then moved to Geneva as a partner in a consultancy firm for 10 years, developing trusted relationships with a variety of high-level stakeholders from business, politics, international organizations, NGOs as well as academia and advising them on strategy, communication and stakeholders’ engagement. She pursued her career at the World Economic Forum as Head of its Family Business Community, where she worked with leading multigenerational families globally on issues related to the success during times of disruption and engaged some of the world’s largest family enterprises in initiatives aimed at creating positive social and environmental change. Andrienne holds a BSc. in international relations from London School of Economic and Political Sciences and completed different Executive Certificates from the IMD Business School, MIT, Harvard, the Graduate Institute, the Oxford Saïd Business School and London School of Economic and Political Sciences. She has recently joined the Oxford Saïd Business School as an Executive in Residence and sits on their Advisory Council of The Ownership Project. She also sits on the boards of several other institutions.
Laura Nordström is a PhD researcher at the University of Helsinki (Political Science). Her research is on the power of expertise and experts in the Eurozone crisis. Other research focuses are global political economy, lobbying and EU. She has completed degrees both in World Politics and in History. Before academia, she worked for 10 years as a political advisor and expert in the Finnish parliament, the Foreign Ministry, the European Parliament and as the International Officer for the Finnish Greens. She has worked on EU, international, human rights and development politics. She has been a member of the Europaeum’s European Scholars Programme first cohort and part of the team that won the best FT awarded prize for the project You&EU. She has been as well a member of the project Between Law and Politics analysing intellectual foundations of the European economic constitution. She has held various elected positions of trust, such as the current presidency of the executive board of the Helsinki Summer University.
Dr Andrew Graham has been the driving force in conceiving, implementing and raising the funding for the new Europaeum Scholarship Programme. He is the former Master of Balliol College, Oxford. He is currently a Trustee of Reprieve, a Senior Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, and a consultant to Mammoth Screen Productions. Earlier in his career he was, twice, Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister, Economic Adviser to the Leader of the Opposition, a Fellow and Tutor in Economics at Balliol, and for the academic year, 2012/13, Warden of Rhodes House. He was a Board Member of Channel 4 Television and a Scott Trustee (which owns the Guardian and the Observer). In 2001, he founded the Oxford Internet Institute and in 2010, the Balliol Interdisciplinary Institute.
The University of Tartu is the Europaeum’s current 18th member as of January 2021! We are hugely excited to welcome their students to our events and look forward to many productive years of positive collaboration with the university, their academics and students.
In the last few years, the Europaeum had also seen the addition of KU Leuven, Freie Universität Berlin and Copenhagen University. As a result, the Europaeum is an association of now eighteen leading universities in Europe.
Dr Hartmut Mayer, Executive Chair of the Europaeum, commented “We are very pleased indeed to have the University of Tartu as our newest member. Tartu is hugely respected as an excellent research and teaching university and its faculties as well as students represent a significant strengthening of the Europaeum. Our friends and students from Tartu University will bring the perspective from the Baltic states which are so important for the whole of Europe into our common EUROPAEUM debates. We are looking forward to working with the outstanding colleagues in Tartu and to bringing young people together to learn to work collaboratively and to become the problem solvers for Europe in the twenty first century.”
The Rector of Tartu University, Professor Toomas Asser stresses: “It is indeed an honour and privilege for the University of Tartu to join such a distinguished group of universities that includes some of the finest institutions of higher education on the continent. By becoming members of Europaeum, we considerably expand the geography and scope of our international cooperation. We are thrilled about the prospect of working together with Europaeum partners. In view of Brexit, we are especially happy about the opportunity to strengthen our links with the universities of St Andrews and Oxford, the UK members of the network.
With its special emphasis on facilitating student exchange on the doctoral level, we see Europaeum as a most welcome addition and complement to the current network activities of our University. We are particularly excited about the Scholars Programme, which for us is a completely novel and very promising form of training.
It is also my hope that through our membership in Europaeum we will be able to take more active part in the European-wide debates on our common challenges.”
University of Tartu
Established in 1632, the University of Tartu (UT) is the oldest and largest university in Estonia both in terms of staff and student numbers, as well as the volume of its teaching, research and development activities. UT remains the nation’s only classical university where research is conducted in a wide variety of fields as diverse as medicine and philosophy, genetics and computer science. Today it comprises four faculties (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, and Faculty of Science and Technology) with 13,400 students (incl. more than 1600 international students) enrolled in its 197 research-based undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs.
UT is the only university in the Baltic countries that belongs to the top 1.2% of the world’s best universities, ranking among the top 300 in the world according to the latest editions of the QS and THE world university rankings. It is also ranked as the best university in “New Europe” – the 13 nations that have joined the European Union since 2004 (Times Higher Education New Europe Ranking 2018).
Research at UT focuses on five main areas: entrepreneurial and socially responsible society; healthy and active long-lived people; resources and technologies for environmentally friendly economic growth; information and communication technology for developing an innovative society; and the sustainability of the Estonian language and culture in an open world. UT belongs to the top 1% of the world’s most-cited universities and research institutions in the fields of Clinical Medicine, Chemistry, Ecology, Plant and Animal Science, Geosciences, Social Sciences, Biology and Biochemistry, and Engineering.
As Estonia’s national university, UT places great importance on international co-operation and engages with more than 70 distinguished research universities in 26 countries from the Baltic Sea area to North America, East Asia and Australia. Furthermore, the University actively participates in the formulation of European science policy through its membership in several high-level research university networks, notably the Coimbra Group, U4 Society Network, and The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities. UT is also proud to be an associate member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU).
We are currently looking for Teaching Fellows to assist with the delivery of the Europaeum Scholars Programme. Please download the pdf of the Call for Applications: https://europaeum.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/CFA-Europaeum-Teaching-Fellows-2021.pdf
Application deadline 15 February 2021
Do you have a good eye for light, shapes, snapshots? Send us pictures and enter our photography competition!
We are planning for a new website and need lots of good quality images of University buildings, student life etc, and even if you don’t win a prize, you can still have your image(s) featured on our new site!
Prizes to be won:
£100 1st prize
£75 2nd prize
£50 3rd prize
For all images we would like to have the possibility to get permission from the photographer to upload them to our website (with image credit).
If the picture contains people, we would need permission from them to use the image, because of GDPR.
Resolution needs to be around 3000-4000px, preferably HDR, this can be achieved if your camera lens is at least 16MP.
Subjects: University buildings inside and outside (in the Europaeum member network), students in a University setting (we do realise that this is difficult during Covid!!)
Picture format: jpg
If you don’t want to or can’t email large images, you can send us a Google link, or WeTransfer.
We will not use any images we receive without writing to you to get explicit permission.
Submission deadline 18th February 2021 – extended to 1 March
All entries and enquiries to euroinfo@europaeum.ox.ac.uk
UPF – image: Susanne Heinrich
We now have over 630 Europaeum Alumni in our closed Linkedin group and have opened registration on our own website for the Europaeum Alumni Network, hoping that eventually, we can reconnect with almost all of the 1600 alumni we found in our records.
Alumni can keep in touch and be informed about Alumni-related evets and matters in three ways:
• Complete the form on our website to give us permission to have your details securely on file, and we will email you about anything that is relevant to Alumni. Don’t worry, it won’t be too often!
• Join our Linkedin Alumni group if you have a profile. https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13752156/
• Register for our Alumni database https://www.europaeum.org/alumni and search for others by expertise, location, University or Europaeum involvement type/period
Europaeum Alumni are Europaeum Scholars, previous participants at Europaeum events that they attended via an assessed application process, as well as those who received a Europaeum bursary or completed a Europaeum joint degree.
Please send us any relevant items we may be able to include in the next issue.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website or because you are an important Europaeum contact at a member university. To opt out please email euroinfo@europaeum.ox.ac.uk or unsubscribe on our website
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