March 2022
Jagiellonian University, Krakow
22-24 June 2022
This interdisciplinary international conference will explore the culture of early modern Europe’s political assemblies, and ask how it was expressed in language, writing, images, institutions, and symbolic practices. Political consultative assemblies, common in late medieval monarchies throughout Europe, faced transformative changes between 1500 and 1700. Parliaments, States, Estates, Diets, Cortes varied tremendously in their organization, customs, and functions. Yet they shared a transnational inheritance of ideas and methods of deliberation, consultation and representation that added up to a common European tradition.
Representative and consultative institutions have been mostly studied in terms either of legal and constitutional history or of national politics. Yet they should also be seen as cultural phenomena in their own right. We invite papers from scholars of early modern history, political philosophy, intellectual history, literature, classical tradition, arts and material culture to investigate the political, literary and visual discourses and shared experiences of representative political assemblies across Europe during the ‘Long Reformation’
More information on how to apply: https://europaeum.org/conference-on-parliamentary-culture-22-24-june-2022-krakow/
Extended deadline: 15 March
Migrants and Membership Regimes in the Ancient Greek World
27-28 June, Copenhagen
The migration of people, objects and ideas was a vital in shaping the ancient world. Men, women and children moved around the ancient world, some drawn by opportunities abroad, some forced by need or calamity, and some enslaved and brought to foreign lands against their will. With them they brought ideas about the human experience (including migration), and about the divine; as well as technologies for navigating and improving the both the physical world and which lay beyond.
Migration is here understood as a permanent or semi-permanent change of residence. Today, as millions of people around the world make that change, migration continues to shape the political, economic, social and cultural worlds we inhabit. The 20th EUROPAEUM Classics Colloquium gives researchers in the fields of ancient history, literature, archaeology and philosophy the opportunity to consider this important subject within the ancient world. The colloquium seeks to facilitate a discussion about the theoretical and methodological challenges regarding the study of migration and perceptions of the foreigner.Application deadline 5 April: https://europaeum.org/classics-colloquium-27-28-june-2022-copenhagen/
Coming soon:
ESTORIL ‘Confronting the Authoritarian Challenge’
27-29 June, Estoril Portugal
SUMMER SCHOOL on Europe and Cultural Heritage – restitution of cultural artefacts
Leuven, date to be confirmed
Save the date:
The Europaeum will be 30!!!
We are celebrating our 30th anniversary on Friday 30 Sept 2022 & Sat 1 October as a big Alumni event and conference. More details to follow.
An announcement to colleagues in the Europaeum network:
Pompeu Fabra University would like to invite you and your colleagues
to attend its INTERNATIONAL STAFF TRAINING DAYS (ISTD), which will be held from 9 to 11th May 2022 in Barcelona.
For this first edition, we build on our experience and strategic choices. This is the reason why we have selected the topics of Internationalization at home and Research & Innovation, as they represent areas UPF is globally recognized for. In this way, the general programme and activities have been fine-tuned to target administrative staff working in the fields of international education and research, who will be split in two tracks. You can already have a look at the programme on the website.
Feel free to share this invitation with colleagues from these professional backgrounds who might be interested in training mobility, and do not hesitate to come back to us. We’d be more than happy to answer your questions.
We are willing to host a diverse group, so applications from both our Erasmus and non-European partner universities are welcomed until March 14th.
We are delighted to welcome the third cohort of our flagship Scholars Programme. 36 highly talented students from across Europe are about to begin this challenging programme for the leaders of the future.
Congratulations on your achievement and good luck!
Please send us any relevant items we may be able to include in the next issue. Please note we have moved over to office@europaeum.org as our main office mailbox now (the old mailbox will redirect).
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website or because you are an important Europaeum contact at a member university. To opt out please email office@europaeum.org or unsubscribe on our website
c/o St Antony’s College | 62 Woodstock Road | Oxford OX2 6JF