Resistance and Resilience
University of Oxford | 17 – 20 March 2025
Resistance and resilience are two intertwined concepts that are gaining increasing prominence in both academic discourse and public consciousness. Resistance, in its broadest sense, refers to the act of opposing or withstanding external forces or pressures. In social and political contexts, it often manifests as organised effort to challenge oppressive systems, unjust policies, or detrimental societal norms. Resistance can take various forms, from non-violent civil disobedience to artistic expression, and from revolutionary (grassroots) movements to institutional reform efforts. It embodies the human capacity to recognise (perceived) injustice and actively work towards change, even in the face of significant obstacles.
Resilience, on the other hand, describes the ability to adapt, recover, and thrive in the face of adversity, trauma, or significant stress. While often associated with individual psychological strength, resilience also applies to communities, ecosystems, and entire societies. It encompasses not just the capacity to regenerate after difficult encounters, but also that of growing and evolving through challenges.
In the context of social and political struggles, resilience is closely linked to resistance. It represents the endurance and adaptability that allow resistance movements to persist over time, despite setbacks or opposition. Together, resistance and resilience form a powerful dyad, illustrating humanity’s ability both to shape its environment actively and to respond adaptively to external pressures, ultimately driving social progress and evolution.
This Europaeum Spring School will bring together master’s and doctoral researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences subjects to explore themes related to this year’s topic in European politics, society, or economic or cultural production from a diachronic and/or multidisciplinary perspective.
We invite applications from master’s and doctoral candidates at Europaeum member universities who wish to either just join the discussions or present a 15-minute paper based on their research. We especially welcome proposals for papers addressing the theme of Resistance and Resilience in relation to the following topics:
- Theoretical frameworks for understanding resistance and resilience in political systems
- Comparative studies of resistance movements and their long-term impacts across different cultures and time periods
- The role of civil society in fostering resilience during political crises
- The intersection of resistance, resilience, and identity politics
- Digital resistance and cyber-activism in the 21st century
- Environmental resistance movements and community resilience in the face of climate change
- Resilience and resistance to neoliberal policies and the impact of globalization on this
- The role of art, literature, and media in documenting and inspiring resistance or fostering resilience
Participants will join lively working groups during the event and hear from experts on the central themes. Those not presenting a paper will also be allocated a role as discussant to kick-start Q&A sessions following on from presentations. Successful applicants will be provided with free accommodation and reimbursed reasonable travel expenses.
Applications should include the Europaeum application form, a brief CV, a statement of purpose (up to 500 words), and a reference letter from their supervisor or academic advisor. Those who wish to submit a paper should also add a short abstract of the proposed paper (up to 500 words).
Please see our guidance for applicants and should you decide to apply, please download an application form, complete and return it to applications@europaeum.org. For more information about how to apply and about taking part in our events, please see our core activities’ webpage.
Deadline for submission of applications and abstracts: 16th December 2024.