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The Europaeum organises workshops, seminars, conferences and debates in cooperation with the members of the network.

These workshops and events (also called the Core Programme) are all open to any student currently enrolled at one of the Europaeum’s member universities if that student’s main focus of study lies in the Humanities or Social Sciences. They are ideal for masters students and early-stage PhD candidates looking to gain experience at presenting and the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas in a friendly and supportive conference-style setting.

Events are offered at no cost to participants and aim to involve students as much as possible via academic contributions such as the presentation of a paper or a role as a discussant. Keynote speakers typically include academics from inside and outside the Europaeum network, policymakers, and other high-level external experts whose expertise is relevant to the event theme.

Selection of student participants takes place via a rigorous application & selection process.

Applicants should note that our events are only open to students currently enrolled at one of our member universities. 

Forthcoming events

Estoril Political Forum
Catholic University of Portugal
4-6 June 2025
AI and the democratic future

Summer School on AI and the Digital Future
University of Luxembourg
7–9 July 2025
CfA Coming Soon

Classics Colloquium
“Multipolar Antiquity”
August-September 2025
CfA Coming Soon

Europaeum History Seminar
“The Future of the European Past”
University of Oxford, November 2025
CfA Coming Soon

Events in 2026…

The Winter School
Location TBA
February 2025
Theme, TBA

The Spring School
University of Oxford
March-April 2025
Theme, TBA

Events & Activities Archive

Europaeum Scholars Programme

Core Programme events can be a gateway for those considering applying to our flagship programme, a two-year policy and leadership course for a select few of the brightest doctoral students within the Europaeum network. Taken alongside a doctorate, it has eight modules, including seminars with leading academics and practitioners, professional skills training, and significant team activity (multidisciplinary groups work on how to “make Europe a better place”). Read more about the Europaeum Scholars Programme.

The Spring School

The Europaeum Spring School usually takes place in Oxford in April and brings together inspiring speakers, students from the network, and some students enrolled in one of the Europaeum joint MAs. 2023’s focus was on “Shifting Paradigms” and 2024’s was on “Turbulent Times.” These broad themes lend themselves to a colourful palette of papers across disciplines and to maximum engagement through daily discussion groups. The 2025 Spring School (advertised autumn 2024) will revolve around “Resistance and Resilience”.

The Summer School

The Europaeum Summer School is a week-long annual flagship event for graduates to debate current issues. It usually takes place at one of the member universities, with a theme initiated by a particular local expertise or academic strength. Students are invited to give papers, join lively discussion groups, and take part in extra-curricular cultural elements of the programme. 2022’s Summer School, held at KU Leuven, debated “the Politics of Heritage”, while 2023’s at LMU Munich engaged “the Dialectics European Integration”. Apply here for 2024’s at St Andrews on Cultural Heritage and Archives.

Winter Schools

Winter Schools arise from initiatives by member institutions who want to draw on a particular local strength or academic focus that may be topical to the moment. Themes are interdisciplinary and can be wide ranging. The first Europaeum Winter School, held at UPF Barcelona in February 2022, discussed on Planetary Wellbeing, and the second, held at the Dutch Institute in Morocco (NIMAR) in March 2023 on The Magrib between Europe and Africa. The third, held at Tartu in January-February 2024, was entitled “Survivance and Survival: Theory and Method.”


The Europaeum organises high-level conferences on suitable and timely themes in collaboration with partners. It also occasionally offers support to member universities who wish to organise events at which a few selected students from the Europaeuma network will be invited to participate.  Topics vary but always align with the Europaeum’s three themes: European History & Culture; European Policy-Making; and European Liberal Democracy and Citizen Engagement. Examples of this category of events include Recovering Europe’s Parliamentary Culture, 1500-1700 and the annual Estoril Political Forum.

Seminars, Colloquia & Lectures

In addition to the Spring, Summer, and Winter Schools for students, an annual Policy Seminar takes place in Brussels or Luxembourg, in close collaboration with EU institutions. The annual Classics Colloquium looks at what Antiquity can teach us about the present day, bringing together presentations by leading academics in the network on a topic chosen (it is not necessarily exclusive to Classicists). Occasionally, distinguished speakers are invited to deliver lectures or webinars on relevant European topics.

MA Programmes

MA Programmes, awarded by member universities under the Europaeum flag, give students the opportunity to spend study time at different universities during their enrolment. These are exciting international opportunities which are unique to the Europaeum and foster the sense of a connected Europe.

Bursaries & Exchanges

The Europaeum supports a small number of exchanges every year, with the generous help and cooperation of selected member universities and external donors. Currently, these opportunities exist for students from Geneva, Helsinki, Oxford and Prague.