MA European History & Civilisation Seminar Series
13 October – 17 November 2020 (online)
Every year the Europaeum organises a number of Seminars, usually running in Oxford’s Trinity Term, for the students on the Europaeum MA European History & Civilisation. Students and other members of the University of Oxford are welcome to attend one or more of these Tuesday events (10am-12pm). Anyone interested should get in touch with the MA Coordinator, Dr Tracey Sowerby tracey.sowerby@history.ox.ac.
- Professor Philippa Levine, ‘What Does Comparative History offer the Historian of Europe?’
- Dr Michael Depreter, ‘How Gunpowder Artillery Shaped Early Modern States: Military Technology, Political Culture, and State Development in the Low Countries, France, and England’
- Dr Fabian Persson, ‘Meeting the King: Swedish Royal Audiences in the Nineteenth Century’
- Dr Claire O’Mahony, ‘Metallurgy and Microhistory: Materializing Eastern France at the 1925 Paris Exhibition’
- Professor Robert Evans, ‘From People into Nations’: Was Eastern Europe Special?’