“Crisis? What Crisis?
The Dialectics of European Integration”
12-15* September 2023 | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich
Is this for you?
Are you interested in European political, economic, and cultural integration? How can understanding the histories of integration illuminate contemporary issues? Looking ahead, what are the challenges and opportunities for European integration?
This Summer School offers a truly multi-disciplinary approach, to hear from leading researchers and contribute your own thoughts. Applicants must be studying towards a master’s or doctorate and must be attending a university that is a member of the Europaeum network.
Content and approach
It has become a common catchphrase that the European Union (EU) is in crisis. Crisis moments such as the Euro zone crisis and the migration crisis together with more structural developments such as the rise of right-wing populism in EU member states and democratic backsliding in some Eastern European states add up to a bleak picture of the state of the union. Against this backdrop, previous European integration and treaty reforms seem like a series of smooth transitions, but does this skew the perspective? Does the rhetoric of crisis handicap our perceptions of the issues at stake?
This interdisciplinary summer school will examine European integration as complex process of change that has always taken place amidst converging, often conflicting interests. Engaging with experts from different academic disciplines including history, political science, and law, as well as leading figures from politics and civil society, it will involve a mix of lectures, discussions, and practical workshops.
Successful applicants will be provided with free accommodation and reimbursed reasonable travel expenses.
Applications should include the Europaeum application form, a brief CV, a statement of purpose (up to 500 words), and a reference letter from their supervisor or academic advisor. For more information about how to apply visit: https://europaeum.org/programmes/events-activities/
Deadline for submission of applications: 2 May 2023
All submissions should be sent to applications@europaeum.org
Who can apply
We welcome applications from master’s and doctoral students from within the Europaeum network. Participants will be given pre-event reading materials and join lively working groups during the event.
How to apply
Please read the full details in the Guidance for Applicants page before applying. You will need to submit the following documents – all in English – to applications@europaeum.org by the deadline.
- a completed application form
- a statement of purpose (max 500 words) giving details of your academic interests and what you would expect to gain from attending this event. Applicants who do not wish to present a paper are encouraged to demonstrate strong affinity with the topic.
- a reference from your supervisor or academic advisor
Statement of Motivation (500 words max)
Your statement should be specific to you reflecting your interests and style. Nevertheless, strong statements usually answer the following questions in some combination or other:
- What is your academic background; what are your intellectual interests?
- Why are interested in this particular topic; how have you previously engaged with it?
- What do you think you would gain intellectually from attending the event?
- What do you think you could offer or contribute to the event?
We know that attending schools, colloquia, labs, and so on give you general opportunities to hear experts in the field, network, learn from other disciplinary perspectives, this is why we run them. In your statement, try to be a bit more specific about why you want to come and what you would like to get from it.
The Guidance for Applicants page should answer most queries. If not, Michael and Milan at applications@europaeum.org will be happy to help.
*edited from 12-14 September, as there is in fact a morning of proceedings on 15 September running until lunch.